






  1. 方便袋
  2. 連卷袋/撕拉袋/拉鏈袋
  3. OPP塑料袋
  4. 平口袋/直立袋
  5. 手工異形袋/縮口塑料袋
  6. 扣手袋/手挽袋/服裝袋
  7. 罩衣袋
  8. 氣墊膜袋
  9. 塑料薄膜
  10. 抗靜電塑料袋
發(fā)布于:2022/07/14 塑料袋是商業(yè)行為中不可或缺的一項(xiàng)品。目前的國(guó)內(nèi)市場(chǎng)中,商家定做塑料袋仍然非常普遍。那么對(duì)于零售商來(lái)說(shuō),如何才能鑒別出定做塑料袋的材質(zhì)呢?
Plastic bags are an indispensable part of business behavior. In the current domestic market, customized plastic bags are still very common. So for retailers, how to identify the material of customized plastic bags?
1. High pressure bag and low pressure bag.
These two common commercial materials belong to PE materials, but they have different characteristics. The former feels soft, shiny and strong (with toughness). Therefore, this material is often used in handbags and finished bags required for industrial packaging.
The application scope of low-pressure bags is mainly in shopping malls, supermarkets, food industries, etc., such as the low-pressure bags used in the kitchen of restaurants and the vest bags sold to consumers by supermarkets with compensation, all of which are made of this material. Its appearance is characterized by tensile resistance, and it is not easy to deform when torn occasionally. The hardness is also strong, and it is not easy to be pierced by blunt objects.
Both are made of PE. How to distinguish these two kinds of plastic bags? A simple way is to tear open the bag like a line of paper. If there is a white mark on the tear, it proves that it is a low-pressure bag. If there is no white mark, it is a high-pressure bag. If businesses have both low-pressure bags and high-pressure bags in their hands, when doing this experiment, they will obviously feel that there will be greater resistance to the high-pressure bags in Sri Lanka.
2. PP bags and OPP Bags with high transparency
These two kinds of bags are all plastic bags with high transparency, so they are often made into clothes and gift bags. The difference between the two is that PP bags are hard and smooth. Shaking with your hand will make a big sound. Generally, plastic bags will not leave traces of folding, but PP plastic bags will be like paper creases after folding in half.
OPP Bags are also very transparent, but the difference is that OPP is more brittle. Because it is relatively brittle, it is easier to damage, but this damage is based on the fact that the mouth has burst. Once a hole appears, the customized plastic bag made of this material is easy to tear open.
Plastic bags are an indispensable part of business behavior. In the current domestic market, customized plastic bags are still very common. So for retailers, how to identify the material of customized plastic bags?
1. High pressure bag and low pressure bag.
These two common commercial materials belong to PE materials, but they have different characteristics. The former feels soft, shiny and strong (with toughness). Therefore, this material is often used in handbags and finished bags required for industrial packaging.
The application scope of low-pressure bags is mainly in shopping malls, supermarkets, food industries, etc., such as the low-pressure bags used in the kitchen of restaurants and the vest bags sold to consumers by supermarkets with compensation, all of which are made of this material. Its appearance is characterized by tensile resistance, and it is not easy to deform when torn occasionally. The hardness is also strong, and it is not easy to be pierced by blunt objects.
Both are made of PE. How to distinguish these two kinds of plastic bags? A simple way is to tear open the bag like a line of paper. If there is a white mark on the tear, it proves that it is a low-pressure bag. If there is no white mark, it is a high-pressure bag. If businesses have both low-pressure bags and high-pressure bags in their hands, when doing this experiment, they will obviously feel that there will be greater resistance to the high-pressure bags in Sri Lanka.
2. PP bags and OPP Bags with high transparency
These two kinds of bags are all plastic bags with high transparency, so they are often made into clothes and gift bags. The difference between the two is that PP bags are hard and smooth. Shaking with your hand will make a big sound. Generally, plastic bags will not leave traces of folding, but PP plastic bags will be like paper creases after folding in half.
OPP Bags are also very transparent, but the difference is that OPP is more brittle. Because it is relatively brittle, it is easier to damage, but this damage is based on the fact that the mouth has burst. Once a hole appears, the customized plastic bag made of this material is easy to tear open.
The above is a detailed introduction about Jinan plastic bags. I hope it will help you If you have any questions, please contact us We will provide you with professional service http://www.673338.com.cn
The above is a detailed introduction about Jinan plastic bags. I hope it will help you If you have any questions, please contact us We will provide you with professional service http://www.673338.com.cn





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