






  1. 方便袋
  2. 連卷袋/撕拉袋/拉鏈袋
  3. OPP塑料袋
  4. 平口袋/直立袋
  5. 手工異形袋/縮口塑料袋
  6. 扣手袋/手挽袋/服裝袋
  7. 罩衣袋
  8. 氣墊膜袋
  9. 塑料薄膜
  10. 抗靜電塑料袋
發(fā)布于:2022/03/29 閥口袋廠家如何檢測(cè)復(fù)合袋?
How do valve pocket manufacturers detect composite bags?
Visual appearance inspection includes the inspection of flatness and clarity of composite bags. It is mainly used to detect whether there are obvious scratches and pinholes on the surface of the composite bag, and whether the sealing part is polluted.
(1) Place the composite bag in your hand, aim at the 40W fluorescent lamp and shake it quietly. After the reflected light on the surface of the composite bag, you can clearly find whether there are scratches or traces on the surface of the composite bag. It is often called "bag surface wire drawing" in the industry. If the wire drawing is severe, find the fault location according to the actual situation, reduce the impact to a low point and ensure the product quality. After investigation, we found that most of the wire drawing phenomenon is formed by the unclean traction guide roller of the bag making machine, so we must ensure that the guide roller is clean. In addition, the different rolling of the guide roller will cause the wire drawing problem of the composite bag. The reason why the guide roller does not roll is mostly caused by the lack of oil in the bearing, so maintaining good smoothness is the fundamental condition for bearing rolling.
(2) Inspection of flatness of composite bag. The specific method is: take several sample sheets of product bags for "air to ground" dropping, let them land naturally (the landing place should be clean), and investigate the condition of composite bags after landing. If the composite bag is tortuous, warped outward or arched inward when landing, it indicates that the flatness of the composite bag is poor, otherwise, it indicates that the flatness remains good. The reasons for poor flatness are generally as follows: the bag making temperature is too high, which has damaged the stress stiffness of the inner layer of the composite bag; Unreasonable structural composition; The thickness of data itself is unequal. Note that when the total thickness of composite materials of PET / PE and BOPP / PET / PE structures does not exceed 80 μ M, the phenomenon of poor flatness is easy to occur.
(3) Visual appearance inspection also includes clarity inspection. In some products, clarity is particularly important because there are no pictures in a large area. The detection method of sharpness is: take a piece of product bag and investigate through the indoor direct light source. If there are "pits", "rings", "fog" and other phenomena in the blank, clarify that the sharpness is poor, otherwise indicate that the sharpness remains good.
The reasons for the poor definition are various. For example, when compounding, because the color of the composite glue is yellow or red, the corresponding color deviation will occur when transferred to the composite bag, affecting its definition; If the clarity of the data itself is poor and "foggy", it will also affect its clarity. Therefore, the quality of the data should be strictly controlled when entering the warehouse, so that the unqualified materials will not enter the warehouse. In addition, the clarity of different composite raw materials is also different. For example, the clarity of tape casting CPP is much higher than that of blow molding co extrusion CPP.
The above is the detailed introduction of Jinan composite bag. I hope it will be helpful to you If you have any questions, please contact us We will provide you with professional service http://www.673338.com.cn





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