






  1. 方便袋
  2. 連卷袋/撕拉袋/拉鏈袋
  3. OPP塑料袋
  4. 平口袋/直立袋
  5. 手工異形袋/縮口塑料袋
  6. 扣手袋/手挽袋/服裝袋
  7. 罩衣袋
  8. 氣墊膜袋
  9. 塑料薄膜
  10. 抗靜電塑料袋
發(fā)布于:2021/07/08 1、熱封層材料的種類、厚度以及材質(zhì)質(zhì)量對(duì)熱封強(qiáng)度的影響是更為直接的。一般復(fù)合包裝常用的熱封材料有CEP、LPPE、CPP、OPP、EVA、熱熔膠以及其它一些離子型樹脂共擠或共混改性薄膜。熱封層材料的厚度,一般在20-80μm之間浮動(dòng)。特殊情況下也有達(dá)100-200μm的,同一種熱封材料,其熱封強(qiáng)度隨熱封厚度增大而增大。例如,蒸煮袋的熱封強(qiáng)度一般要求達(dá)40-50牛頓,因此,其熱封厚度應(yīng)在60-80μm以上。熱封制袋過(guò)程中涉及到溫度,溫度的控制多少由溫度儀表加以顯示。
1. The type, thickness and quality of heat seal material have the most direct influence on the heat seal strength. The common heat sealing materials for composite packaging are CEP, LPPE, CPP, OPP, EVA, hot melt adhesive and some other ionic resin coextrusion or blending modified films. The thickness of heat seal material is generally 20-80 μ M. In special cases, it can reach 100-200 μ For the same heat sealing material, the heat sealing strength increases with the increase of heat sealing thickness. For example, the heat seal strength of cooking bag is generally required to be 40-50n, so the heat seal thickness should be 60-80n μ It is more than 5 m. Temperature is involved in the process of heat sealing bag making, and the temperature control is displayed by the temperature meter.
2. To achieve the ideal heat seal strength, heat seal pressure is essential. For the light and thin packaging bags, the heat sealing pressure should be at least 2kg / cm2, and it increases with the increase of the total thickness of the composite film; If the heat sealing pressure is insufficient, it is difficult to achieve real fusion between the two films, resulting in poor local heat sealing or difficult to eliminate the bubbles in the middle of the weld, resulting in false welding. However, the higher the heat sealing pressure is, the better. It is better not to damage the weld edge, because at a higher heat sealing temperature, the heat sealing material at the weld edge is already in a semi molten state. Too much pressure is easy to squeeze out part of the heat sealing material and make the weld edge form a semi cut-off state. The weld is brittle and the heat seal strength is reduced. So the regulation of pressure is very important.
3. The heat sealing time is mainly determined by the speed of bag making machine. If the speed is fast, the heat sealing time is short; Slow speed, long heat sealing time. The heat sealing time is also a key factor affecting the weld sealing strength and appearance. Under the same heat sealing temperature and pressure, if the heat sealing time is long, the fusion of the heat sealing layer is more sufficient and the bonding is more firm; However, if the heat sealing time is too long, it is easy to cause weld wrinkling deformation and affect the flatness and appearance.
If the weld after heat sealing is not cooled well, it will not only affect the appearance flatness of the weld, but also have a certain impact on the heat sealing strength. The cooling process is to fix the weld after the fusion heat seal with a lower temperature under a certain pressure. Therefore, insufficient pressure, poor cooling and circulation, insufficient circulation, too high water temperature or untimely cooling will lead to poor cooling and lower heat seal strength.
4. The more times of heat sealing, the higher strength of heat sealing. The number of longitudinal heat sealing depends on the ratio of effective length of longitudinal welding rod to bag length. The number of transverse heat sealing is determined by the number of groups of transverse heat sealing devices. Good heat seal, the number of heat seal at least two times. With the same structure and thickness of the composite film, the higher the peeling degree, the greater the heat sealing strength; For products with low composite peel strength, the failure of the weld is usually due to the delamination of the composite film at the weld, which causes the inner heat seal layer to bear the failure tension independently, while the surface material loses its reinforcing effect, which greatly reduces the heat seal strength of the weld; If the delamination degree between the composite layers is strong, the delamination will not occur at the welding edge, and the measured actual heat seal strength is much larger; When the inner layer of heat seal is PE or OPP, the heat seal strength is much better than that of BOPP with the same thickness.
5. The influence of the contents of the composite bag. Some products are powder packed and easy to contaminate the seal during filling. For example, when LDPE material is used as inner material, it is found that the seal is easy to break. This is because the heat sealing property of LDPE to inclusions is not very good. At this time, it is necessary to replace the inner membrane material or increase the thickness of the material to improve the heat sealing strength





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