






  1. 方便袋
  2. 連卷袋/撕拉袋/拉鏈袋
  3. OPP塑料袋
  4. 平口袋/直立袋
  5. 手工異形袋/縮口塑料袋
  6. 扣手袋/手挽袋/服裝袋
  7. 罩衣袋
  8. 氣墊膜袋
  9. 塑料薄膜
  10. 抗靜電塑料袋
發(fā)布于:2020/06/23 定做塑料手提袋是很多公司或者商戶會(huì)采用的一種方式,如果手提袋包裝精美的話還能吸引更多的客戶關(guān)注,從而達(dá)到再次宣傳的效果和目的。那么在塑料手提袋的制作時(shí)有哪些知識(shí)是必須進(jìn)行了解的呢?今天本文就為大家進(jìn)行簡單的介紹。
Customized plastic handbag is a way that many companies or merchants will adopt. If the handbag is packaged beautifully, it can attract more customers' attention, so as to achieve the effect and purpose of publicity again. So what knowledge must be learned when making plastic handbags? Today, I will give you a brief introduction.
(1) What knowledge should we pay attention to when making plastic handbags?
When making plastic handbags, we need to master several key points to better achieve the goal. The first is the appearance customization. In order to better meet the needs of customers, we must first study the psychology of customers. For plastic handbags, beautiful appearance is easier to find people to like, especially the recognition of female customers. So it is very important to design the appearance scheme in advance. Next is the choice of thickness. The plastic handbag provided by the manufacturer is also divided into many kinds in thickness specifications, and the reasonable thickness can be selected according to the main goods sold. Too heavy will affect the intuitive feeling of the product, so reasonable control is needed. Finally, the choice of materials. Generally speaking, this kind of plastic handbag is best made of PE material, which can reasonably meet the dual needs of touch and load-bearing capacity.
(2) How to choose the right manufacturer for customized plastic handbag?
We also need to know how to choose the right manufacturer to make the plastic handbag. The first is to consider the market position of manufacturers. It is no doubt a simple way to choose the top manufacturers in the market, so as to save energy and better ensure the quality of products. Secondly, the scale and operation time of the manufacturer. Choosing Tongcheng Wujiu Plastics Co., Ltd., which has a long operation time and has been tested by the market, will undoubtedly have better production and design capabilities, so it is easier to meet the needs of users. Finally, choose the right price manufacturers. The price comparison is also an important part in the process of purchase selection. You can compare the prices online and offline, and choose the most appropriate purchase method.
(3) How long does the whole process of customized plastic handbag take?
The time needed to make plastic handbags is also a concern of many people. In fact, it takes a relatively short time to complete the customized products and receive the products. If the technology is in place, the customization and delivery of the products can be completed in a short week or so. Generally speaking, it takes three to seven days for plate making and about one day for product production, so the production process takes a relatively short time. However, the time required for product design and logistics distribution will be determined according to the actual situation, so it's better to reserve more than three weeks of preparation time for product customization to avoid affecting the buyer's sales demand.
Custom made plastic handbags can play a very important role, not only carrying the function of transportation products, but also carrying the important role of promoting products and closing customer psychology. Therefore, when choosing the manufacturer of handbag, we need to make careful comparison and selection, so as to better ensure that we can leave a good impression for customers, so as to leave a good foundation for the next transaction.





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