






  1. 方便袋
  2. 連卷袋/撕拉袋/拉鏈袋
  3. OPP塑料袋
  4. 平口袋/直立袋
  5. 手工異形袋/縮口塑料袋
  6. 扣手袋/手挽袋/服裝袋
  7. 罩衣袋
  8. 氣墊膜袋
  9. 塑料薄膜
  10. 抗靜電塑料袋
發(fā)布于:2020/06/13 塑料袋鑒別對于“有毒塑料袋”,市民大可不必驚慌,只要了解一些塑料包裝材料的基本知識(shí)并掌握一些有效的鑒別方法,那么,我們就能做到如何合理使用塑料袋。
Plastic bag identification for "toxic plastic bags", the public need not panic, as long as we know some basic knowledge of plastic packaging materials and master some effective identification methods, then we can do how to use plastic bags safely and reasonably.
At present, the common toxic plastic bags on the market generally refer to single film packaging bags. In this kind of packing bag material, PVC is toxic (except modified PVC). The so-called "toxic" refers to that the plastic bag material itself contains substances harmful to human body, such as some heavy metals, salts and monomer of polymers, especially heavy metals, lead and vinyl chloride monomer are harmful to human body (ethylene and propylene monomer are non-toxic). To distinguish whether the packaging materials are toxic or not, it is mainly to distinguish the toxic PVC materials or the polyethylene materials with toxic recycled materials.
"Smell": refers to the full distribution of the olfactory function of the volatilizer. If we smell the obvious odor or peculiar smell of plastic packaging bags, then we should be careful that they are poisonous and should not be used to pack food, because food grade plastic packaging bags are tasteless and odorless.
"Look": refers to look at the color and uniformity. The "ultra thin" and "thin" plastic bags without color additive shall be slightly floating white and transparent, and the materials shall be uniform without black spots or dirty spots (blocks) when observed with light; the colored "thin" and "ordinary" plastic bags, especially the dark ones (such as black) are difficult to be identified with eyes, so they are not easy to be used for food.
Burning: take a small piece from the plastic bag, light it with fire, observe the color of the flame and smell it. The flame of polyethylene material should be yellow at the upper end and blue at the lower end, and it drips when burning, and it can smell the smell of paraffin; while the flame of PVC material should be yellow at the upper end and green at the lower end, emitting white smoke, with pungent and unpleasant smell.
Measurement: refers to the specific gravity of materials. Take a small piece from the plastic bag, heat it to shrink and put it into the water. If it floats on the water surface, it is polyethylene material. If it sinks on the water bottom, it may be PVC material or other non food grade material.
Among the above four methods, "smell", "burn" and "test" are used to identify non-toxic polyethylene materials and toxic PVC materials; "look" and "burn" are used to identify whether recycled materials (toxic or non-toxic) are added to non-toxic polyethylene materials.
In addition, the general public is reminded that, in any case, after the food is bought home, the food should be taken out of the plastic bag as soon as possible to ensure that there is no loss. Even if a toxic plastic bag is used because it is not identified, if it can be taken out of the bag in time after going home, it will not cause great harm to the food for a short time, because the transfer of the toxin requires both full contact with the food and time. At the same time, we call on shopping malls and supermarkets to choose regular plastic products manufacturers when ordering single film packaging bags, so as to protect the health of the public.





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