






  1. 方便袋
  2. 連卷袋/撕拉袋/拉鏈袋
  3. OPP塑料袋
  4. 平口袋/直立袋
  5. 手工異形袋/縮口塑料袋
  6. 扣手袋/手挽袋/服裝袋
  7. 罩衣袋
  8. 氣墊膜袋
  9. 塑料薄膜
  10. 抗靜電塑料袋
發(fā)布于:2020/04/11   我們用的塑料包裝袋都是熱封的,然而熱封的方法有很多塑料包裝袋的熱封方法很多,常見的有手工熱封法、高頻熱封法、熱板熱封法、脈沖熱封法、超聲波熱封法、紅外線輻射熱封法、熱空氣熱封法等。每種的熱封方法都有著不同的優(yōu)勢和效果。我們要想購買到對的塑料包裝袋對于熱封方法也可以有所掌握,下面小編就和大家一起說一說塑料包裝袋的熱封方法有多少種呢?
  The plastic packaging bags we use are all heat sealed. However, there are many heat sealing methods for plastic packaging bags, including manual heat sealing, high frequency heat sealing, hot plate heat sealing, pulse heat sealing, ultrasonic heat sealing, infrared radiation heat sealing, hot air heat sealing, etc. Each heat sealing method has different advantages and effects. If we want to buy the right plastic packaging bags, we can also master the heat sealing method. Now let's talk about how many kinds of heat sealing methods are there for plastic packaging bags?
  1. The simplest heat sealing method manual heat sealing method: commonly used in PE, PP single film heat sealing.
  During heat sealing, it is necessary to bend the blade of common electric soldering iron into "L" shape with the help of heat-resistant film, and the width of the blade is generally 3mm, and then connect the wire to the voltage regulator for constant temperature control. If the film leaves a side at the sealing place, the heat sealing strength will be higher. In practical operation, it is better to lay two layers of fine flat cloth, and then a layer of khaki cloth which is not easy to deform. The cloth pattern should be 45 ° or straight with the heat sealing line. Its function is to make the heat sealing part produce uniform pattern, so as to strengthen the pattern (playing the role of rib support) structure to achieve the purpose of mutual penetration between molecules and improve the sealing interface.
  2. High frequency heat sealing method: use the high frequency electric field generated by the self-excited oscillator of the electron tube to make the plastic medium molecules generate heat, and apply certain pressure to realize heat sealing.
  塑料薄膜在高頻電場的作用下,極性分子按照與電極相反的方向排列,分子中的正電荷轉(zhuǎn)向負(fù)極,負(fù)電荷轉(zhuǎn)向正極。如果電場方向改變,電荷也將改變位置。這種電荷的位移稱為“極化”。“極化”就是使分子進(jìn)行有規(guī)則的取向。為此,必須克服摩擦阻力,消耗一定能量,而這種能量的消耗又轉(zhuǎn)化為熱的形式放出,這就是發(fā)熱的原因。發(fā)熱的薄膜在底板與 模具的適當(dāng)壓力下,兩層薄膜就能結(jié)合在一起。
  Under the action of high frequency electric field, the polar molecules are arranged in the opposite direction of the electrode. The positive charge in the molecule turns to the negative and the negative charge turns to the positive. If the direction of the electric field changes, the electric charge will also change its position. The displacement of this charge is called polarization. "Polarization" is the regular orientation of molecules. Therefore, the friction resistance must be overcome and some energy must be consumed, and this energy consumption is transformed into the form of heat to be released, which is the reason of heat generation. Under the proper pressure of the bottom plate and the mold, the two films can be combined.
  3. Hot plate heat sealing method of heat sealing by external heating: first place two layers of overlapping films between two heated (or one of them heated) metal plates until the surface layer melts, and then rapidly combine the melted surfaces under pressure, and maintain the pressure until it cools down. The hot plate heat sealing device has simple structure, low cost, long service life and is not easy to be damaged.
  4. Pulse heat sealing method: first, make the heat sealed parts melt under pressure, then cool and release the pressure. Usually a nickel chromium strip is used instead of the metal plate as the heating element, and the instantaneous current is introduced from the nickel chromium strip for heating. During the operation, the overlapped plastic film is placed on the workbench, and the heating element on it is pressed tightly by manual or automatic control. At the same time, the current automatically flows into the nickel chromium strip, so the strong thermal energy pulse acts on the thermal cover. After a very short time, the current is cut off by the time relay, then it is cooled, then the pressure is removed, and then the thermal seal is taken out.
  5. Ultrasonic heat sealing method: the main part of the heat sealing machine is a transducer, on which a coil is wound and connected to the oscillator. With the aid of magnetostriction effect, the high-frequency current is converted into mechanical vibration. The mechanical energy is emitted from the vibrating head, and then transmitted to the film in the form of a wave, which causes the effect force inside the film and forms the conflict phenomenon of two layers of film on the vibration interface 。 With the heating and warming up, the film is softened and melted. In addition, the reaction force of the lower support platform and the clamping force of the vibrating head make the polymer molecules on the heat sealing surface diffuse each other. Therefore, there is a strong binding force between the molecules of the heat sealed film.
  In addition, there is also a hot air heat sealing method, which is to use hot air to blow it to the surface of plastic film for heat sealing. This method can be applied to the heat sealing of heavy packaging.





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