






  1. 方便袋
  2. 連卷袋/撕拉袋/拉鏈袋
  3. OPP塑料袋
  4. 平口袋/直立袋
  5. 手工異形袋/縮口塑料袋
  6. 扣手袋/手挽袋/服裝袋
  7. 罩衣袋
  8. 氣墊膜袋
  9. 塑料薄膜
  10. 抗靜電塑料袋
發(fā)布于:2020/02/12 為什么定做塑料袋要提供長寬高和厚度幾絲呢?其實塑料袋定做幾絲涉及了術語,對于定做塑料袋的客戶可能一下子回答不上來幾絲是多厚。定做塑料袋我們需要提供哪些規(guī)格,我們可以表述出來嗎?別擔心,今天讓小編帶您了解定做塑料袋需要提供的塑料袋規(guī)格。
Why do custom-made plastic bags need to provide length, width, height and thickness? In fact, the customized silk of plastic bags involves professional terms. Customers who order plastic bags may not be able to answer how thick the silk is. What specifications do we need to provide for customized plastic bags? Can we express them? Don't worry, let small braid take you to know the specifications of customized plastic bags.
Generally speaking, when you are looking for the manufacturers of customized plastic bags on the Internet, the first thing is not to ask about the price. We need to provide the manufacturers of plastic bags with specifications and sizes. Then, in the case of samples, we should think about how to calculate these specifications and report them to our plastic bag manufacturers.
The first step is very simple. For the first customized plastic bag customer, you need to take a ruler to measure the length, width and height of the bag sample you want to make. The length is the length of the bottom, the height is the length of the bag, and the width refers to the width of the folded edge, that is, the middle width of the two sides butt joint. Generally speaking, it is the thickness of the side of the bag. Just pull it apart and measure it. As for the thickness Du, take out 100 plastic bags. When we know our length, width and height well, we can know about the weight of 100 bags. It's not a big problem, because we use pure new materials, which are generally much better than the load-bearing capacity of everyone's bags. Don't worry about this.
In theory, it is necessary to measure the thickness of the plastic bag, generally the thickness of the single layer of the packaging bag. Thickness gauge shall be used for thickness measurement. In general, the thickness can only be calculated through bearing combined with product size without thickness gauge. Some of the packaging bags have some detail dimensions that need to be measured, such as the distance between the printing pattern and the edge. Generally, we don't have micrometers. It's OK according to the weight-bearing we said above. I'm not sure we can send them to us by mail. It's not a big problem.
The introduction and application of measuring method of plastic bag thickness: micrometer
Micrometer is a necessary tool for customized plastic bags or communication with customers. However, we also have too many customers. We are familiar with bags in all walks of life, and we can see the specific thickness by roughly looking at the pictures. Of course, in a responsible attitude, we hope to tell us that this will not cause trouble. The micrometer card can measure 0.01mm, which can meet the needs of measuring the thickness of plastic film, and the price is cheap. Ten films can be stacked together to measure the thickness divided by ten, the result is more accurate. For different paper and plastic film articles, there are special thickness gauge, also known as micrometer card and micrometer. The thickness of plastic bag can be measured by thickness gauge. Generally, the thickness of plastic bag is between 2.5 and 15 wires, that is, 0.025mm-0.15mm.
Since the state issued the plastic restriction order in 2008, so far, the government has stipulated that all plastic packaging bags should be above 0.025 (single-layer film), which is called environmental protection shopping bags, and the thickness below which is called "thin bag" or "ultra thin bag", which is difficult to degrade. Although everyone has been for decades and a hundred years, it is hard for everyone to know, so our factory I also don't want to cut corners on work and materials. Generally, it's pure new materials for customers. There's no dispute, just make the money I should earn. It can be seen that the thickness of plastic bags can be customized from 0.0075mm to 0.15mm. The size of plastic bags can also be customized, according to user needs, there is no fixed size. According to the width, the plastic bag for chopsticks is only two centimeters wide, and the widest plastic bag can reach 2000 mm. Such thickness is generally in the market plastic bags within the scope of the need.
Finally, the weight calculation formula of the customized plastic bag is as follows: the weight of the plastic bag = length x (width + side) x 2 x material density x thickness. We believe that the above analysis will be helpful to the specification of the customized plastic bag. All the problems that can be solved are not problems. It's important to communicate more and do it step by step. We guarantee that you can get satisfactory customized plastic bag products.





濟南氣泡信封袋:復合氣泡袋 | 簡約而不簡單,電商包裝新寵!
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