






  1. 方便袋
  2. 連卷袋/撕拉袋/拉鏈袋
  3. OPP塑料袋
  4. 平口袋/直立袋
  5. 手工異形袋/縮口塑料袋
  6. 扣手袋/手挽袋/服裝袋
  7. 罩衣袋
  8. 氣墊膜袋
  9. 塑料薄膜
  10. 抗靜電塑料袋
發(fā)布于:2019/12/03   ,性能上不能完全替代,如遇到肉類、海鮮等油腥物品,利用紙質(zhì)袋與布袋就不能很好地解決問題。其次,過度應(yīng)用紙袋,還會導(dǎo)致森林的過度砍伐,破壞生態(tài)平衡,對環(huán)境造成災(zāi)難性、不可接受的危害。
  First of all, performance can not be completely replaced, such as meat, seafood and other oily goods, using paper bags and cloth bags can not solve the problem well. Secondly, excessive use of paper bags will lead to excessive deforestation, damage the ecological balance, and cause catastrophic and unacceptable harm to the environment.
  1. Research and develop recyclable green packaging materials. Regulations on packaging waste vary from place to place, but there is a common principle: to encourage less use of raw materials. In the packaging design, we should try to use the same material, separable and coexistent material, and tend to use the material with simple structure and easy recycling. On the premise of satisfying the packaging function, reduce the amount of garbage as much as possible, so as to present the development trend of lightweight packaging film.
  2. The key to the development of plastic stabilization technology is the preparation and application of new antioxidants, UV stabilizers and free radical scavengers. The plastic containers for daily chemical refilling, pallets or turnover boxes for food, etc. can use the plastic stabilization technology to manufacture high-quality plastic products, so as to improve its reuse or recycling value.
  3. The research of plastic degradable technology degradable plastics are generally divided into biodegradable plastics, photodegradable plastics and bio / photodegradable plastics. The varieties researched and developed in China have covered photodegradation, photodegradation, photodegradation, high starch content type photodegradation, high calcium carbonate filled type photodegradation, total biodegradation and other categories; the application of degradable plastic products in packaging has spread to ordinary packaging film, shrink film, shopping bag, garbage bag and so on, which has played an active role in improving environmental quality Use. In order to protect the ecological balance, it is urgent to study the fully biodegradable plastics, especially the high-quality and low-cost biodegradable plastics filled with edible powder or inorganic minerals.
  4. Research and development of recycling thermal energy by incineration or recycling plastic waste by steel-making furnace; recycling thermal energy by incineration is a major means of recycling plastic waste, and also the most realistic choice for the treatment of plastic waste. In the future, it is necessary to research and develop the equipment related to the thermal energy provided by plastic waste treatment, and design the equipment with more convenient use, longer service life and lower price, so as to accelerate the research and development of recycling thermal energy by incineration and recycling plastic waste by steel-making furnace in China.
  5. Edible film edible packaging film is a kind of film with porous network structure, which is made of natural edible materials (such as polysaccharide, protein, etc.) through the interaction between different molecules. For example, chitosan edible packaging film, corn protein packaging film, modified cellulose edible packaging film and composite edible packaging film, etc., edible film can be applied to the inner packaging of various ready to eat foods, which should have a huge market in the food industry.
  6. Water soluble plastic packaging film as a new green packaging material, water soluble plastic packaging film is widely used in the packaging of various products in Europe, America, Japan and other countries, such as pesticides, fertilizers, pigments, dyes, detergents, water treatment agents, mineral additives, detergents, concrete additives, photographic chemicals and gardening care chemicals.
  7. Focus on the research on the corresponding countermeasures, laws, regulations and systems for the development and implementation of circular economy plastics. At present, China's solid plastic waste separation facilities have appeared in Shanghai, but there are still many people who drop them at will. A considerable number of regions, departments and enterprises have shown short-term behavior of focusing only on immediate interests.
  8. After 10 years of efforts, CT materials Japan Central Chemical Company has successfully developed a special plastic CT for food packaging containers in line with the principles of environmental protection. CT is not only resistant to high temperature, but also has the most outstanding advantage, that is, its function is similar to PSP plastic products commonly known as "foam plastic", and its volume is only 1 / 4 of the latter. In this way, many troubles caused by large volume are avoided in recycling, and favorable conditions are created for eliminating the negative impact on the environment.
  9. New high barrier plastic packaging material new high barrier plastic has been widely used in foreign countries, and this technology has been introduced in China. The use of high-strength and high barrier plastics can not only improve the protection of food, but also reduce the amount of plastic when packaging the same amount of food, and even can be reused. At present, the commonly used high barrier materials in China are aluminum foil, nylon, polyester, polyvinylidene chloride, etc. With the improvement of food protection requirements, ethylene, vinyl alcohol copolymers and polyvinyl alcohol with better barrier properties have also been applied.





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