






  1. 方便袋
  2. 連卷袋/撕拉袋/拉鏈袋
  3. OPP塑料袋
  4. 平口袋/直立袋
  5. 手工異形袋/縮口塑料袋
  6. 扣手袋/手挽袋/服裝袋
  7. 罩衣袋
  8. 氣墊膜袋
  9. 塑料薄膜
  10. 抗靜電塑料袋
發(fā)布于:2019/10/22   由于材料不同,袋子具有不同的特性。 食品包裝袋的主要用途是存儲,保護(hù),攜帶,運輸和展示物品(包括原材料和加工產(chǎn)品)。
  Bags have different characteristics due to different materials. The main purpose of food packaging bags is to store, protect, carry, transport and display items (including raw materials and processed products).
  食品包裝袋作為食品的“穿衣服”,直接影響食品的質(zhì)量和性,從而影響人體健康。 食品包裝的質(zhì)量是印刷油墨的關(guān)鍵因素之一。 有一系列食品包裝袋,其印刷的圖案色彩鮮艷美麗,更加美觀,更多地用于油墨中,并且包含更多的苯類物質(zhì)。 如果苯殘留量超過標(biāo)準(zhǔn),對人體非常有害。 苯可引起慢性中毒,主要損害神經(jīng)系統(tǒng),造血系統(tǒng),表現(xiàn)為頭痛,頭昏,,白細(xì)胞持續(xù)減少,血小板減少和出血傾向。 這些傷害進(jìn)展非常緩慢,短期內(nèi)不會出現(xiàn),很容易被忽視。 一些油墨包含有毒的重金屬離子,而某些顏料和染料包含致癌成分。 這些重金屬和其他有害物質(zhì)也將遷移到袋子和袋子中。 如果輸入包裝中的物品,將會對人體健康造成傷害。
  Food packaging bag, as the "clothing" of food, directly affects the quality and safety of food, thus affecting human health. The quality of food packaging is one of the key factors of printing ink. There are a series of food packaging bags, the printed patterns are bright and beautiful, more beautiful, more used in ink, and contain more benzene substances. If the benzene residue exceeds the standard, it is very harmful to human body. Benzene can cause chronic poisoning, mainly damage the nervous system, hematopoietic system, manifested as headache, dizziness, insomnia, leukocytosis, thrombocytopenia and bleeding tendency. These injuries progress very slowly, will not appear in the short term, it is easy to be ignored. Some inks contain toxic heavy metal ions, while some pigments and dyes contain carcinogenic ingredients. These heavy metals and other harmful substances will also migrate to bags and bags. If you input the items in the package, it will cause harm to human health.
  包裝作為商品信息的重要組成部分,在銷售過程中起著重要作用。 通過包裝的華麗變化,經(jīng)常為價值帶來價值的產(chǎn)品更有利于樹立正面形象并帶來一定的經(jīng)濟(jì)效益。 許多公司都了解這一點,以大限度地追求精美的包裝,并且經(jīng)常忽略問題。
  As an important part of commodity information, packaging plays an important role in the sales process. Through the gorgeous changes of packaging, products that often bring value to brand value are more conducive to establish a positive image and bring certain economic benefits. Many companies are aware of this in order to maximize the pursuit of beautiful packaging and often ignore safety issues.
  The packaging materials are not easy to deal with, the recovery rate is low, and the toxic and harmful substances exceed the standard are three situations of bad packaging, crime, food packaging bag safety, and environmental problems.
  針對常規(guī)食品包裝問題,世界貿(mào)易組織檢驗檢疫信息網(wǎng)絡(luò)近宣布,歐盟近發(fā)布了有關(guān)食品包裝袋的命令。 該指令明確指出,兩年后,正式實施的指令將所有引起超過0.01%內(nèi)分泌疾病的致癌,誘變,生殖毒性和包裝。
  In response to the safety problems of conventional food packaging, the world trade organization inspection and quarantine information network recently announced that the European Union has recently issued an order on the safety of food packaging bags. The directive clearly states that after two years, the officially implemented directive will eliminate all carcinogenesis, mutagenesis, reproductive toxicity and packaging that cause more than 0.01% of endocrine diseases.
  該指令要求歐盟成員國以2010年的數(shù)據(jù)作為2017年的基準(zhǔn),以減少50%的便攜式塑料袋(厚度為49-10 m的塑料袋); 在2019年,減少了80%的便攜式塑料袋。 此外,特別是在食品塑料袋或可降解袋中,這些食品袋已被2019年的食品(例如水果,蔬菜,蛋糕和糖果)取代。
  The Directive requires EU Member States to use 2010 data as a 2017 benchmark to reduce the number of portable plastic bags by 50% (49-10 m thick); in 2019, by 80%. In addition, especially in plastic or degradable food bags, these bags have been replaced by 2019 foods (such as fruits, vegetables, cakes and sweets).
  更換塑料袋包裝是為了確保食品并確保人類健康。 但是,這些問題仍然被人們忽略。 社會上沒有足夠的危險案例嗎? 真的有必要忍受嗎? 徹底意識到? 我也希望有關(guān)部門為我們開辟綠色道路。
  The purpose of changing plastic bag packaging is to ensure food safety and human health. However, these problems are still ignored. Are there not enough dangerous cases in society? Is it really necessary to bear it? Fully aware? I also hope that relevant departments will open up a green road for us.
  每個人都有這樣的經(jīng)驗:在超級市場或購物中心,您可能不需要某種產(chǎn)品,但是僅僅因為它具有吸引人的外觀,它就“令人心動”。 許多企業(yè)正在引起人們的注意,并在食品包裝袋方面努力工作。 為了實現(xiàn)該目標(biāo),商人使用非食品食品包裝袋來包裝食品,而與人們的健康和無關(guān)。 這些塑料包裝袋中的大多數(shù)是“三無”產(chǎn)品,有些甚回收了再生塑料產(chǎn)品。 包裝食品會嚴(yán)重危害消費者的健康。
  Everyone has the experience that in a supermarket or shopping center, you may not need a product, but just because it has an attractive appearance, it is "exciting". Many enterprises are drawing people's attention and working hard on food packaging bags. In order to achieve this goal, businessmen use non food food packaging bags to package food, which has nothing to do with people's health and safety. Most of these plastic packaging bags are "three no" products, and some even recycle recycled plastic products. Packaged food will seriously harm the health of consumers.





濟(jì)南氣泡信封袋:復(fù)合氣泡袋 | 簡約而不簡單,電商包裝新寵!
濟(jì)南加厚快遞袋 :快遞袋都有哪些分類?